torsdag den 18. september 2014

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape!

If yoga was all about doing incredible poses and having an as advanced practise at possible, the most honoured yoga teachers would be circus artists.
So why isn't that so? Why did thousands of people travel the world to study with Sri Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar, even though they couldn't do the same tricks as they do in Cirque de Soleil?
Because yoga is about something completely else. And I guess that we all tend to forget that from time to time, being busy to conquer new amazing poses. But luckily, the Universe will keep reminding us of the true spirit of yoga.


I am a very sensitive soul, and in discussions, a lot of subjects can easily become sensitive subjects to me. When I started talking with people about why I didn't eat meat as a 15-year-old, I sometimes found myself crying in frustration afterwards, because the subjects was so incredibly important to me on a deeply personal level. With time and patient practise, I grew older and learned how to handle the topic in ways where I could stay true to myself but still keep centred and thereby avoid getting affected badly, when others pushed my red buttons.

However, the Universe doesn't let anyone get away easily in this world. It seems like that every time you think that you know something or can handle something, the Universe will tell you that you're not quite there yet.

Here in Paris it has been very difficult for me to find practise rooms. Last night, I went to this place in town, where I eventually found a little piano I could practise on a couple of hours every day. To my huge disappointment, my reservation of the practise room hadn't been registered. I was so frustrated as the secretary wouldn't give me the key to the practise room that I just started crying in front of him. I was so sad about being here in Paris to study with an amazing piano professor, when I couln't even get even a small piano for just an hour to practise on! I couldn't keep my self calm and centred in the middle of this world of new battles in a new country, using a new language.

Later that same evening, I found myself in a horrible discussion with a guy, who presented me for a completely very surprising discussion that made me very sad.
It was a completely new topic for me, and I couln't help to take it quite personal. I felt so sad about the whole thing that I later found myself crying so much that I couldn't sleep. I decided to do a short mediation in the darkness to centre myself a bit in my big emotional mess.

Soon I became calm enough to realize that everything was just as it had to be. The Universe was just challenging me, aiming to make me stronger. The Universe was reminding me what my yoga was all about. And I guess that the Universe intends to keep challenging me for the rest of my life!

"Yoga simply makes my life easier", David Swenson says, when people ask him about his relationship to his yoga practise. And I really like that simple way to describe it.   
Yoga just makes life easier.
I belive that the steady practise of physical poses, breathing control, concentration and daily discipline can help anyone to become the best version of one self.
A steady practise will give you a steady mind and a steady everyday life.
Concentration in your practise will approve your concentration in any other situation in life.
Devotion to your practise will affect you devotion to life itself.
The acceptance of yourself will increase your acceptance of others, and your inner love will grow outwards in ways that you can't even imagine.


The Universe keeps reminding me that I have to grow stronger. And luckily, my yoga is like a faithful chariot on the battle fields of life. My yoga is helping me to stay true to myself and honest to my hearts deepest desires. My yoga is helping me to build outer as well as inner strength, so I become strong enough to protect my sensitivity and softness.
Every day, my yoga will make me even better prepared to stay balanced in any situation that life will show me.
My yoga will help me to keep aiming towards being the best version of myself.

"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape!"   
